Stop Looking for Leaders to Follow. Be the Leader.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as more shirts are spreading around the country and even around the world. Love Is The New Sexy is a movement about amplifying Love. It is shining the spotlight on Love as the main thing - the only thing - more important, more solid than any hipster fashion statement, popularity trend or cultural fad. It's an invitation to be a Leader for Love, a trailblazer that spreads kindness, courage, joy, generosity and compassion through their daily lives.
Love Is The New Sexy is also about sexy. We are all sexual beings, and we live in a media age that bombards us with images and ideas of what is considered sexy. Many, if not most of these are disconnected from the heart, from the whole person. Love Is The New Sexy is making a statement about an empowered beauty that comes from uniting our sexual nature with our hearts. True sexiness is the natural by-product of an inner radiance. There is nothing more beautiful and alluring than someone who is filled with love and lit up from within.
When you wear a Love Is The New Sexy t shirt you are standing up for Love - an empowered, whole being, wholehearted Love that includes everyone as family. People of all shapes, sizes, ages, gender, colors, sexual preferences and cultures are wearing the shirt and spreading love. Thank you for your participation in this movement of Love. Thank you for your free spirits, your open hearts, and for shining your unique lights.
Let's love outrageously together! If you'd like to participate, you can order your on my STORE page.
With deep thanks and joy, Lara
p.s. pictured is my dear friend Antoine, who totally rocks the vibe of this shirt. This photo makes me SO happy!!! (Photography by Annabelle Aymond.) Please keep sending in your photos and I will post them on my public Facebook Page.